Monday, 31 July 2017

4 Ways To Generate Listings Without Breaking The Bank

Listings always generate more business when marketed correctly. They bring you the neighbors’ homes to list as well as buyers from the real estate marketing that you do to market the home.

Your budget may be tight right now however these 4 ways will have you generating listings in a matter of days without breaking your bank account. These four real estate marketing tips will put listings on your board before the end of the year.

  1. E-mailing your past clients and prospects. The key to e-mailing them is not asking them if they need to sell their home. This might sound pushy in an e-mail. Sharing a story of a recent client you helped whose home had to sell because of market conditions, family reasons, or desire is the most effective way to get through to them. What you want out of this e-mail is a referral to someone they know that matches your story.
  2. Targeting a niche market where you have a passion. In real estate there are dozens of niche markets. In a recent conversation with a client they were a veteran, liked helping clients with short sales, and wanted to help buyers. They had multiple niche markets. Select one niche market as your marketing costs will be lower and will also keep you more focused.
  3. Calling your sphere of influence. When you let anyone you know what you are looking for they want to help you out. This isn’t about being a push sales person this is about letting others know what you are up to. Calling and “checking in” is extremely powerful. People like to help others they just have to know what you are looking for. Make sure to be specific in your conversation.
  4. Sending a targeted piece of mail. Trying to get “any” listing results in getting “no listings”. What I want you to focus on are getting listings in a single area of town that match a certain criteria. For example I had a client send out letters targeted toward short sale list. They ended up with 2 short sale listings. Some might think “they only got two listings” however the key is they got two real estate listings that they can now market and sell.

Focusing your efforts on real estate listings will generate more buyers that you can work. In addition you will have the benefit of being able to sell the listing as well.

The key with these 4 real estate marketing tips is to put them into action immediately. Putting all four into place isn’t realistic at the same time so just pick one.

When you need help deciding on which real estate marketing tip you should put into action first sign-up for my free 15 minute business help program at

Source by Todd T Bates


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