Sitting in the rain and waiting for connection. Connection for the internet of course. Well it is not just of course. I am placed down in Asia, Thailand and in the town of Huahin. Here I am with a friend of mine and in the house typing at my computer. Where else would I like to be for internet work? Nice thought. Sunny morning and a great lunch finished of with a heavy rain fall. I am on top of the restaurant at the veranda. I am over viewing the little village of Mango SPA. No worries with the internet it comes and goes due to the high mountains. We are just spoiled that everything works well back home in the western countries. We do tend to take those things for granted. It is an interesting observation when you leave your own country to explore something else or new.
It is easy done to dome it. At the moment the power left as well. My computer is backed up with a battery so I can still write. How come we so easily take things for granted? Are we so spoiled or is it in the nature? Maybe we just forget how lucky we are. And if so it is good to be reminded every now and then to thankful to most of our daily materials materials works and when it does not we appreciate it very much. I like to watch people in stress. How do we function when things are out of our control? As we all know we have different kinds of people around us. Some is more dependent to stress then others. It is funny to watch the airports. There are good indications on how we relate to stress. Flights are canceled every now and then. What is the big problem with that? If we just book our flights with the delay factor included there would be less stress moments.
It is not how we have it is it is how we take it. I guess we have to practice our minds to the thoughts that work. Most of all we have to ask our selves how we want to have it. Some people do not care how they react and how they live their lives. So it is quiet simple. If you choose to live a good stress relieved life think about how you think.
You create your life with your thoughts. You are a product today of what you have thought yesterday and the days before. If you are not happy with how your life is then change your thoughts today. Life is too short to miserable about it. I believe life is made for pleasure and happiness. Lift every rock to find the happiness you search for. Sooner or later you will find it. The only thing that matters is the time. Trust the time will take you where your dreams are. We have our inner Aladdin with the lamp. So out wish is his command. Get out there and wish for big dreams. You never know when to get it. Like I said it is just a matter of time.
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